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Publikationer med data från SPOR
- Winberg M, Halleberg-Nyman M, Fjordkvist E, Eldh A, Joelsson-Alm E (2024) Adherence to evidence-based guidelines for prevention of urinary retention in hip surgery patients: a multicentre observational study
- Enlund, A., Nikberg, M., Berglund, A., Östberg, E. and Enlund, M. (2024), Total intravenous or inhalational volatile anaesthesia and survival after colorectal cancer surgery: a Swedish national registry study. Anaesthesia.
- Swedish registry study showed that 50% of paediatric operations were performed in university hospitals and mortality was low. Acta Paediatr. , , , (2024).
- Loujain Issmail, Johanna Albert, Claes Frostell, Jan G. Jakobsson, Malin Holzmann (2024) All-cause 30-day mortality associated with hysterectomy in Sweden from 2015 to 2021 using data from the Swedish perioperative register
- Magnusson, J. Karlsson O. Sköldenberg, J. Albert, C. Frostell and J. G. Jakobsson. (2024) Difference in early all-cause mortality among patients having hip arthroplasty a Swedish perioperative registry study 2013–2022
- Sellbrant I, Nellgård B, Karlsson J, Albert J, Jakobsson JG. (2024) Anaesthesia practice, quality indices including all-cause 30-day mortality associate to wrist fracture repositioning and surgery in Sweden: A perioperative register-based study 2018-2021
- Dahlberg, K., Månsson, S., Lyckner, S. et al. The effect of Covid-19 pandemic on perioperative factors: data from the Swedish Perioperative Registry. Perioper Med 12, 50 (2023)
- Kvåle, Möller, Porkkala et al. The Nordic perioperative and intensive care registries- Collaboration and research possibilities. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand. 2023
- Björn Holmström, Gunnar Enlund, Peter Spetz, Claes Frostell. The Swedish Perioperative Register:Description, validation of data mapping and utility. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand. 2022;1-7.
- Mats Enlund, Anders Berglund, Anna Enlund, Leif Bergkvist; Volatile versus Propofol General Anesthesia and Long-term Survival after Breast Cancer Surgery: A National Registry Retrospective Cohort Study. Anesthesiology 2022; 137:315–326
- Quistgaard, Nåtman, Lovebo, Almerud-Österberg & Rolfson.2022. Risk factors for reoperation due to periprosthetic joint infection after elective total hip arthroplasty: a study of 35,056 patients using linked data of the Swedish Hip Arthroplasty Registry (SHAR) and Swedish Perioperative Registry (SPOR).
- Melander S., Almström J., Enlund G., Frykholm P. 2021. The Covid-19 pandemic first wave in Sweden: A national registry study of the effects on pediatric anesthesia ana surgery. Paediatr Anaesth 2021 May 10;10.1111/pan14203. doi:10.1111/pan.14203
- Falk W., Gupta A., Forssten M.P., Hjelmqvist H., Bass G.A., Matthiessen P., Mohseni S. 2021. Epidural analgesia and mortality after colorectal cancer surgery: A retrospective cohort study. Ann Med Surg (Lond. 2021 May 19;66:102414. doi: 10.1016/j.amsu.2021.102414. eCollection 2021 Jun
- Boström, P., Svensson, J., Brorsson, C. et al. Early postoperative pain as a marker of anastomotic leakage in colorectal cancer surgery. Int J Colorectal Dis (2021).
- Gremillet C. & Jakobsson J.G. 2018. Acute hip fracture surgery anaesthetic technique and 30 day mortality in Sweden 2016 and 2017: A retrospective register study.
- Åhman et al. 2018. Determinants of mortality after hip fracture surgery in Sweden: a registry-based retrospective cohort study.